Introducing 'Smugglers,' a captivating fashion collection inspired by the intriguing world of Cornish smugglers. Delving into the historical narrative of concealing and revealing contraband, the collection ingeniously juxtaposes this age-old concept with modern-day smugglers and their innovative methods of transporting illegal items.

Drawing inspiration from the clandestine operations of the past, 'Smugglers' weaves together a tapestry of mystery, rebellion, and creativity. The collection explores the art of hiding and smuggling alcohol, defying authorities and social norms with audacious tactics. It embraces the spirit of these daring individuals, who navigated treacherous landscapes and faced the consequences of their actions.

In a contemporary twist, the collection showcases the modern-day smugglers of today, who employ creative and unexpected means to transport forbidden goods. Birds become couriers of concealed contraband, duct-tape transforms into an unlikely vessel for hidden treasures, bras serve as secret compartments, and bricks become unexpected conduits of illegal items. This fusion of historical inspiration with a modern twist adds an intriguing layer to the collection, blurring the lines between past and present.